celebrate everyday: day 28


Today I celebrate French Onion Soup. The at home version we made this afternoon:

French Onion Soup

…wasn’t quite as pretty as what we got last week at Bistro Jeanty, (a must go to in the Napa Valley):

Bistro Jeanty

…but, hello! Soup that’s topped with bread and melted cheese on a winter Sunday?! Oui, oui! It’s tasty, no matter what it looks like.

Good food, I so love you.

Bistro Jeanty

What are you feasting on?

#ExperiencesNotThings #Travel #Foodie

*Feeling stuck? So bored you’re falling asleep in your soup? Call me! (804.339.6514) I can help.


celebrate everyday: day 27


Today I celebrate friends who start their own travel companies:

The Vagabond Monkey

Check out this trip to Ireland in May! A great deal and opportunity for off the beaten path adventure with a couple of experienced and talented hosts. It’s pretty awesome when people find their super passions and want to share them with others.

Maybe it’s time for you to fly away, little birdie?

#Wanderlust #LifeOutsideTheDroneZone #ExperiencesNotThings

*Ready to take a trip but don’t know where to start? Call me! (804.339.6514) I can help.


celebrate everyday: day 26


Today I celebrate my Mom, whose love, honesty, and quiet determination are a force to be reckoned with:

Ann Peacock

My graduation:

High School Graduation: MAU

Her graduation:

Mama P. Graduation

Fun times in European travel:

Peacock Girls in Spain

BLR Play It Forward 2017 Welcome Back Party:

Diane and Ann P.

This woman defines hard work and selflessness, and she always leads with love. I sure am one lucky kid.

Cheers, Mom! Happy Birthday! You are brilliant and beautiful.

Ann Peacock

How do you thank the people who continue to support you?

#RememberCelebrateLive #AlwaysLookingUp #ThanksMom

*Want to thank someone you love and don’t know how? Call me! (804.339.6514) I can help.


celebrate everyday: day 25


Today I celebrate kindness, and notes from strangers.

I went to this event last night at Advent Coworking, and when we were about to walk out the door, a woman asked “Do you know anything about this place, and details about membership?”

I don’t work there, but told her how great I think Advent is. (Who can argue with affordable work space, interesting entrepreneurs, free events, and great opportunities for networking with a zillion different kinds of cool, creative people?) I gave her my card after we chatted for a few more minutes, and of course threw in, drop a line if you ever want to come join for girls wine night or some other fun! (I’m never afraid to invite more people to the party. You’re all welcome too. Anytime:)

Today this note popped in on my phone:

Kind Notes

Amazing! Lesson for the day:


It really doesn’t take much.

You know what else made me feel high as a kite today? During my morning run, I saw a Pepsi delivery guy unloading stock going into a CVS store. He had parked his huge truck in the middle lane of a 4 lane road. As he crossed the road his computer clipboard flew off his cart and he couldn’t grab it. (No free hands and traffic coming fast.) I ran into the street and picked it up to bring it to him and was on my merry way. Big deal? Maybe not to some people. To me? Totally. To that guy? A huge help. (He and the computer were about to get run over.) One little thing that was so easy peasy for me to do and made me feel like a million bucks even though I’ll likely never see Mr. Pepsi again.

We may never know the kind of impact a note, smile, or bit of help has on another person. And really? It does reward us so much more to give than to get. Take an extra minute in your day today to help someone, or say something NICE. The karma gods are watching, when nobody else might be.

How are you being kind?

Thanks for the note, Cooper!

#AlwaysLookingUp #LifeOnTheBlueLollipopRoad #DoWhatYouLove

*Feel like you need a little more happiness in your life and don’t know how to find it? Call me! (804.339.6514) I can help.