February 2, 2018
Freedom, grow, Inspiration, Links, Live the life you want to live, News articles/Links, Photos, play, Today Is The Day, Travel, Uncategorized
I’m a AAA member, and have been for years. (Road Trippin’/travelin’/nomadin’/adventurin’ peeps, unite!) These horrifying stats just came to my email inbox from AAA about National Plan For Vacation Day:

Last year 54% of American didn’t use all their vacation time?!
Oh. Em. Gee. My heart breaks for people out there who are a part of that 54%. WHAT ARE Y’ALL WAITING FOR?! (I just had to get all southern for a minute, I’m so sad for that fact!)

Dear Friends,
Let’s start respecting the clock. Shall we?
Love, Diane
I bet:
*You could use a break
*You have a grand baby across the country you want to snuggle more with
*Your mom has been bugging you to visit
*Your jeans are bursting at the seams after the holidays and the gym is calling
*Your college reunion is coming up
*You’re in love with someone across the state you want to smooch
*You have needed to go to the dentist for a while now
*You are so over that closet piled full of crap you don’t use, need, or want
*Your kids kept you up all night last night
*Granny keeps calling, she wants you to meet her for lunch
*The Big Game is coming up and you sure would like to stuff your face with nachos watching it with friends
*Your passport is about to expire and it has no stamps
I’m wrong? None of the above? Ok, then I bet:
*That nonprofit you’re super passionate about could use some more extra help
*Your brother misses you
*Your guitar is collecting dust
*That cooking class only has one spot left available
*Your convertible hasn’t seen the sun in ages
*That book! That book is still sitting half-read on your bedside table
*You keep staring at that photo of the glaciers in Patagonia wondering why you haven’t been
*You’re daydreaming of a palm tree, a cold beer, and a moment of silence
One or more apply to you? Think it’s maybe time to go, be, see, and/or do what you want, need, or should?
Today I celebrate saying goodby to the office/cube/”work” for a day, week, or month, and hello to taking the time you have earned.
Not taking vacation…time…for your heart, health, and well-being, is about as bad as showing up to your should be inspiring commencement speech and telling all the fresh faces in caps and gowns the world sucks, there’s no hope for anyone, and Dr. Seuss was wrong, because they will never go anywhere.
Please don’t do that.
I challenge you to walk in to the big kahuna and tell her (see what I did there?) you’re going to take a few days to go hiking in nature alone, then spend the rest of your other few days just hanging with your family doing a whole lot of nothing other than being together. (Or whatever other very simple or over the top thing you can think of.) You will be taking ALL of your vacation days this year thankyouverymuch.
Let’s wipe out waste (of every kind.) Especially wasted time.
#RespectTheClock #TodayIsTheDay #LifeUnstuck
*Ready to get outta dodge, near or far? Call me! (804.339.6514) I can help.