celebrate everyday: day 16

Today I celebrate anticipation:

Bon Voyage

Empty suitcases typically mean adventure awaits. It doesn’t matter if your adventure is across the state or across the country, it just feels good to be excited about going somewhere old or new. Taking off to go hug someone you love is like the. Best. Thing.

Where are you going?

#ExperiencesNotThings #LiveSimpleDoMore #LifeOutsideTheDroneZone

*Need a kick in the pants to step off your gerbil wheel? Call me! (804.339.6514) I can help.


celebrate everyday: day 15

Today I celebrate that we all have the right to choose not take sh*t from anyone who’s wrongly dishing it out. 

This is part of a conversation I had today:

The Devil Wears Prada

The amount of abuse I see is staggering. By bosses, spouses, friends, clients, neighbors- you name it. I hear about so many people continually being manipulated and manhandled, when they don’t deserve a bit of it.

Why are we saying please and thank you, to daily nut-punchings?

When we say yes to head, heart, or body pummeling from people who clearly don’t like themselves, it’s our own fault. Don’t we realize we promote what we tolerate? The sad humans who live on the level of treat others like garbage just because, don’t even know who’s in the path of their destruction they’re so unconscious. Run for the border! It ain’t ever gonna change, sweet pea. Let that toxicity be dust in your wind.


When did we decide that all the adult bullies on the playground, win? When did we decide that it was a better idea to stay in a completely unhealthy situation at work or home, than to stand up for ourselves and make a change? When did we forget about all the awesome stuff we’re made of, that we used to see so clearly?

People show you who they are pretty quickly. Next time someone is being a first class ass to you for no good reason, walk away my dear friends. You’re allowed to take control.

Oh the glorious CHOICES we have!

Today is the day. What are you waiting for?

#LifeUnstuck #StandUp #StartDriving

*Feeling stuck? Call me! (804.339.6514) I can help.


celebrate everyday: day 14

Today I celebrate relaxing under a blanket in the sun with a pile of books and magazines in peace and quiet:

Lazy Sundays

Go, go, go? No, no, no.

Less is more. When will we learn?

Here’s a trick on how to keep your sanity:

Take one day a week, whether a week day or week end and schedule nothing besides what you absolutely have to. (Work or school.) No errands, coffee dates, lunches out…nothing. Use the extra time to purge your closet that has the ski boots with 6 inches of dust on them because you haven’t been down a slope in years. Camping gear? You haven’t camped since Boy Scouts. Later, tent. Get all the things out of your house you don’t use or need, and then next time a winter Sunday rolls around, you won’t feel bad about sipping coffee in bed reading until 2PM because you’re less buried mentally and physically in all that crap.

Freedom. It’s a beautiful thing.

What are you holding on to that you know you really don’t need?

#LessStuffMoreFreedomHappyLife #LiveSimpleDoMore #TheYearOfLessCrap

*Feeling stuck or buried in your head or home space? Call me! (804.339.6514) I can help.


celebrate everyday: day 13

Today I celebrate Anderson Cooper:

(Click here for video.)

…and Rex Huppke. Thank you for your powerful and positive words.

In end, you have ZERO strength, Mr. Trump. Zero. You will never truly win because you see nothing but yourself when you open your eyes. While you continue being a racist fool and absolute embarrassment, the rest of us will continue to to stand up and let love rule.

Let Love Rule

Who do you stand for?

#LetLoveRule #AlwaysLookingUp #StandUp

*Want to stand up, but don’t know how? Call me! (804.339.6514) I can help.