2017: the year of less crap

Welcome to Holiday Hangover Monday!

Money has flown out of your wallet during the past several weeks as fast as Usain Bolt crosses the finish line at the Olympics, and now your house is stacked 6 feet high with piles of stuff. (Ahem, crap.)

How’s that headache treating you?


I had mentioned a few weeks ago that I’d be announcing a project in the new year, so here you have it:

I am declaring 2017…THE YEAR OF LESS CRAP!


Think about no more feeling overwhelmed, buried, broke, sad, grumpy, or tired. No more excuses about not having enough time, space or money to do what you really want. Think about your stairway to freedom!

Go up

(The above photo is actually just the amazing staircase built in god knows what year that’s right outside the door of my current apartment in Madrid, but let’s just pretend for a minute It’s a stairway to freedom heaven.)

Back to work…

Do you ever just get totally sick of spinning in the same crap? Bills, debt, bills, closets and drawers busting at the seams, nutty crazy schedule, never enough sleep, haven’t quite dealt with those awful things that happened when you were little, or made peace with yourself about that jerk you divorced 10 years ago?

Listen, Linda, Listen!

…It’s time to get rid of our crap and stand up for what we want. Sassy little Mateo knows what’s up.

In this YEAR OF LESS CRAP, I’ll be posting tips, tricks, and saucy opinions here on how to get unstuck. (Subscribe below and get my blog in your email inbox…awww…snap! What a treat!) Hopefully I’ll be making some new friends, but I’m sure I’ll tick some people off too. I’ll be airing more of my dirty, dirty, laundry, and encouraging you to do the same. We’ve all got plenty, so let’s be real!

Here’s my CRAP:

I’ve wanted to finish my book for about 67 years at this point and I haven’t done it. Scared I can’t? No way. Disorganization? Hells to the no. Not doing enough for myself to fully commit to what I love and not asking for the help I need? Yep.


I know better. So do you, about whatever your CRAP is.

I hope this year you get so sick of yourself, so totally ripped about whatever you’re doing to keep yourself buried/miserable/frustrated/stuck, that you finally snap and make the changes you need. I hope your blood boils, you reach your limit, and riiiiiight before you lose it, you drop your fear and do something TOTALLY FUCKING AWESOME.

No more CRAP, people. No more, CRAP. This is the year to purge and fly. I will help you do it.

#LessStuffMoreFreedomHappyLife #LiveSimpleDoMore #TheYearOfLessCrap

*Tonight I told my Mother it sometimes makes me super happy to use “bad” words when I write. She said she thought there might be a better way to get my points across. I told her I agreed, but also just want to be myself; The unfiltered, truth-teller who often needs and wants to just let the eff-bombs out. It feels so good to be free…


what road will you choose for 2017?

I think I’ll take this one:


…this one:


…this one:

Spanish treats

…this one:

Sunshine in Segovia

…and lots of others like these, because:

Don't wait

We wake up each day and have one of two CHOICES:

1.) Ignore the clock.

2.) Honor the clock.

None of us can beat Father Time, not even those of us with good looks, charm, buckets of money, or who are strong as an ox. While this mighty beast of a timekeeper has full control, holding his finger on the button that decides whether we are here or gone, the one thing he cannot control is what we do with the minutes we’re gifted.

Don’t wait. There’s never the perfect or right time for anything in this crazy life. The time is now. Make a toast to honor yourself in this new year, and continue to toast to every day.

As Humphrey Hops says…

“You’re right Skinny Pete, it’s time that I do it. What am I waiting for? I better hop to it!”

#HopToIt #LessWaitingMoreDoingHappyLife #RespectTheClock


how do you choose to spend your time?

Today is Sunday December 18th and TED and I have been snuggling on this delightful lazy morning with coffee, happy as all get out, daydreaming and planning for a big adventure and the kick off to 2017 with some big stuff for Blue Lollipop Road. Lately this run of talks I’ve been watching are aligned perfectly with a new project I will announce soon.

Ahhh, freedom! That superpower gifted in America that we have everyday, to CHOOSE exactly what we do with our time and our lives:

A little hint about my new project, TBA:

The choices we make.

Today is the day to spend your time how YOU want. This ain’t his/her/their/those guys rodeo. Get on your horse and ride, baby!

#LessExcusesMoreTimeHappyLife #WhatAreYouWaitingFor? #ChooseYourRoad