all the things you gain

More experiences, less stuff.

More freedom, less stuff.

More fun, less stuff.

This is everything that BLR has always been about. I am loving stories, articles, and books like these that illustrate just what’s possible (and important) for this life; time, people, and time with your people doing awesome things.

I cannot WAIT to share BLR 2.0, coming mid-October; A new beginning, a new life, and even more amazing adventure.

Stay tuned, and get ready to hop on the live simple do more of what you love, train!

Happy here

*(Photo credit…random day road trip to Indiana when I lived in Chicago a few years ago. Written on a door in an ice cream shop.)

#LessIsMore #Freedom #ThingsThatMatter


hello monday!

It is nearly midnight, so this is almost a Hello Tuesday! post. The day has been busy with lots of good things so I’m just a bit behind.

When the alarm rang this morning, I thought – UGH!  It’s dark, I’m tired, I’ve barely slept! I can’t believe the week already starts again. Then…motivation nation quickly came rushing in; Its Monday, Baby! Get up! Carpe Diem!

So I jumped up and came to this because there’s nothing like getting up early to start your day off right:

Morning walk

It was definitely overcast, and not the most optimal looking sky, but the freshly mowed grasses on the course and the company I was with, made up for the grey. I also got a good laugh from this sign:

18 miles per hour

Go 19 and you’re done for. Hilarious. Who makes up this stuff, anyway?

There’s something about morning exercise, and something about Monday mornings up and atem that simply sets the tone for a good week to come.

If you’re feeling like you’re dragging, get UP and move your body! It might feel painful for the first few minutes, but when you’re done, you’ll feel like a million bucks.


#GetUpGetMoving #CarpeDiem #CrushingIt