Meet You In Orlando

Don’t ask me how I came across this. I certainly wasn’t trying. Either way, it’s quite entertaining. I guess there is really something out there for everyone. Don’t ever think your bizarre talent/hobby doesn’t have a home somewhere.

The 2009 World Yo Yo Contest is this August if you want to brush up on your mad skeeeelz and rock it out in a few months. 
If I were as cool as these cats, I might enter the Triple A- Two Handed String Trick Division. 

OK, So Maybe I Lied

At least for a few more days, weeks-heck, maybe forever It feels to write about good, happy, awesome stuff. (Because there’s enough crap in the world already) Here’s some more TTAA. (Things that are awesome) Start your own list!

People who are nice just for the sake of being nice. NOT having cancer. Hot Chocolate. Moleskin notebooks. Brooklyn Pizza Co. Cheap wine that’s yummy. Aerobics classes with overly excited instructors early in the morning. Going out to dinner. Mac laptops. Cheesy dance-party music. Singing loud so people look at you funny when you’re in your car. Total strangers that accept and become your friends instantly. Walks in windy chilly nights near the ocean with crazy puppies. Moms and sisters who are best friends. Roasted red peppers, mozzarella and tomato. Happy hour. Little girls sporting stylin’ sunglasses and hanging with their cute proud Dads at Starbucks on a Friday morning. Yoga. Nice Post office clerks. Employees at random stores, coffee shops, etc. working for next to nothing- singing and humming while they work because they totally love their jobs. Pointless fashion magazines. Finishing a really good book. 32nd birthday of my big bro today.