What’s Beyond Main Street?

I’d like your help on a project that I’m absolutely THRILLED to be working on. 
What’s beyond Main Street…to you? 
What do you think of when I ask?
“Main Street” could mean a frame of mind, a way of life, your next personal or professional goal, an image or an actual physical place. Not even the sky is the limit on this question- you can go wherever you want. Just run with it.
Please post a comment here to share, or email [email protected]I cannot tell you what a huge help your comments and thoughts will be and make this project. 
Thank you thank you thank you!

“Whatever It Is I Think I See…”

The New York Times today says the recession seems to have a sweet tooth. Candy sales are soaring and adults in particular have been consuming growing volumes of Necco Wafers, Mary Janes, Gummy Bears and the like. This means either people are feeling nostalgic and want some yummy treats, or they are curled up in bed depressed about life and the doom and gloom of everything having to do with the economy that’s in the media every millisecond. (I hope the second option above is not the case.) 

Media; Can you just back it down for a second? I’m trying to enjoy my Tootsie Pop!

It’s not just candy that we are loving. We can’t seem to get enough of all things that remind us of the good old days and childhood. Check out this gourmet peanut butter cafe’ called PB Loco. Absolutely brilliant and what fun. Can you imagine the smiles you’d get if your job was to serve peanut butter everything to people all day? Really. Peanutbutterlicious?! If this can’t start some good ideas brewing in your head, I’m not sure what will. PBJ’s for a living? These guys are genius!
Clearly we learned everything we ever needed to know in kindergarten.
I’m off to meet with my 5 year old neighbor to see if he can give me some business tips…

Not Just Great Movies…

…fantastico quotes too.

Perhaps the below from Fellini will work to help those recently thrown out on their keisters to find their next fork in the road:

“Put yourself into life and never lose your openness, your childish enthusiasm throughout the journey that is life, and things will come your way.”
I couldn’t agree more Frederico!

A Portrait Of Caring

CVS is another company out there helping people share stories of all the ways they care. It is a thrill and so humbling that I’m able to continually find companies and people that are so generous. The fact that there are so many out there just giving and giving, expecting nothing in return is incredible.

I want to be these people.
You know those days when your work, love life, health, job and all else just feel like they totally suck? Yeah, they might at times. Sometimes mine feel like that too. But really? So many have it so much worse. And more? We live in America people! Land of opportunity and possibility and this is not a Bank Of America commercial. It’s just the truth.
Maybe we could all make a promise to each other to spend just a few minutes this week following the example of the people in these stories. Lets go out of our way to do something nice for a stranger. Lets also try to open our eyes a little wider to things we should be thankful for. (Yes, I am guilty too of being a spoiled brat at times. Not fun to admit, but now I am calling myself out. Join me.) Lets take advantage of all the opportunity that we have available to us and get some perspective. 
Practice makes perfect right? You’d practice at running to become a good runner. Why not practice on getting perspective? Make yourself stop in the rat race for 2 minutes everyday and just look around with no distraction. You’ll be amazed at what you “see” and what it will make you want to do.