I thought of a few things when I drove by this sign tonight: 
1.) I have to turn around and take a picture of this.
2.) That’s disgusting.
3.) Thank goodness they are cooked to order! I mean really. Who’d ever want their livers and gizzards just cooked any old way?
Then again, I eat Oreos smashed up in a jar of Nutella by the spoonful. I bet the liver and gizzard eaters would think that’s disgusting.

Meet Jonathan

He is taken, but happily accepted my proposal to take this photo of his funny shirt. He told me his girlfriend bought it for him before he went off to college last year and he is now home for the summer.
Thanks Jonathan. You were adorable. I’m sure you’ll have to leave that shirt on sophomore year as well to keep the young ladies away. Hope you had a great relaxing Father’s Day with your pops. 

Resume or Gynecologist?

How can I thank people I barely know that have become regular readers? The ones that I have met just a couple months ago who I see and they say; “Um, hello? What’s up?- I have been reading but haven’t seen any new posts in the past couple days…”

I know, I know! Effective time management. Something I am working on and that perhaps I have sucked at in the past. (That and I am busy working to pay bills which takes me away from this project and other things I love sometimes. BOO on that, but it’s what I’ve got to do until I figure out how to make the magic happen.)
To do list for today:
1.) Work on time management
2.) Get my stupid resume updated and done for the 90th time. (God I hate resumes more than visits to the gynecologist.)
3.) Thank the not so strange strangers like B.H. for being consistent readers.