What Is That? -A Raspberry?

I rolled on the ground laughing today when a friend asked me that as I pulled my Blackberry out from my purse. And he was dead serious.

You’ve gotta love someone who is one of the smartest, well traveled and aware people you have ever known, but at the same time could give a flip about certain modern trends and technologies.

This Ain’t No Napa Wine Tasting

Where else in the world do you go to a wine festival with things like NASCAR and vineyards that chant things like “Red Cat, Red Cat- it’s an aphrodisiac, Red Cat Red Cat- it’ll get you in the sack!”


The one and only Watkins Glen International. Oh yeah.
In between our sips of Ice Wine and 1,000 sweet Reislings, there was a pace car ride around the track at 100mph, stickers being put on us from wineries such as Hickory Hollow that said “spit or swallow” and of course perusing booths of ridiculous wine fest shwag to purchase such as tshirts that said things like “I go both ways” and the pictured redneck wine glasses.
Pish-posh to you fancy wineries. This is how we roll in upstate NY with the locals. Absolutely freaking hilarious. Once again I will have to leave you with a “and that’s only the beginning.” 
So that’s only the beginning. If my fingers could type faster, my camera could take more photos and there were 24 more hours in the day to devote to all the funny stories, things, people. I’ve got more coming about hammered attendees, some great tshirts and other bits of divine insanity that would make those wine connoisseurs who swirl too much gasp in shock.
Boy do I love that I can hang with fancies and black tie this and that and then partake in smashing beer cans on my head and riding around race tracks. I believe that makes me well rounded- right? Or confused and bipolar? Ether way I’m happy, laughing and having a great time so I’ll keep rolling with it. Thanks to you out there who tell me it puts a little entertainment in your day. I love that. 

This Is Where I Woke Up Today

In this little boathouse apartment. Can you say pinch me, lucky, heaven, is that the sound of water crashing against the shore as I am still laying in bed after I just fell asleep to a pure sky of darkness and stars?

Yes. Somebody pinch me. 
Do I say that a lot? 
I know I say things like pinch be and best ever a lot. Most of the time I’d like to have video or audio here so I could giggle, screech, dance around and clapping my hands like I do and possibly better share the moment. (I am working on it) Sometimes words can’t do justice to moments and I’d like to have all the world sitting next to me just to breathe it all in… 
You’ll just have to trust that even with all the rest of the crap, struggles and “stuff” that go on in typical daily life- I still fully feel like a kid in a candy store on most days. I wrote to someone last night that I am convinced that if I could take any person on the road with me and have them explore around like I do- I feel like it could open doors and eyes that never would open otherwise. I just feel like there are endless amounts of things to do and see. I’m so very thankful for people in my life who encouraged me to start exploring and continue to as years pass. They’re the reason I get to wake up here today.
Onto other fun stuff. I am off to the Finger Lakes Wine Festival in a bit with a couple of the most incredible humans on the planet. 80 wineries, music, food, summer, lakes, crisp fresh air and the best company anyone could ask for? Now that’s my religious Sunday!


825 miles.

That is how many miles I drove today. It was friggin’ awesome. (That is my latest favorite thing to say/write by the way when I think something is completely and totally amazingly, fantastic, stupendous and great.)
Here’s a teeny taste of what I saw/heard/experienced besides this sign on the side of the road:
*Eric, the McDonald’s employee in Harrisonburg, VA that was the nicest and most fun I have ever fast food employee I have ever encountered. (No, I do not eat fast food much ever- but are you kidding? A girl has to have her french fries on a 14 hour road trip!)
*A McDonald’s in Pennsylvania that claimed to have a “Victorian Dining Room.” Huh?
*A man walking down the highway shirtless in acid washed denim cut-off shorts and boots. (They’re called “shit-kickers” where I am from. Hot.) I just Googled shit-kickers by the way and found this site for an interesting sounding “banjo-pluckin’ jamboree. Niiiice. Please don’t anyone ever tell me that you are bored or there is “nothing to do” in this world. Did ya click on that link? Holy entertainment everywhere you look Batman
*That song that has the line “I wanna take a ride on your disco stick” 422 times. Yes, each time I had a full-on-dance-athon in the drivers seat
*About 67 billboards with things like “Adult entertainment” and “Clean viewing booths ahead” and then some actual locations. Not sure how much I believe the word “clean” in any of that
*About 67 billboards that informed me that “Jesus Saves”
*A town called Shamokin Dam
*A town called White Deer
*A road called Grumpy Mountain Road
*A billboard that said every 20 minutes a child is diagnosed with Autism. (Ugh. Sad and a reality I was unaware of.)
*The song from Tag Team; Whoop There It is. Note the amazing lyrics such as “Slam dunk it, stick it, whip it and ride that B double O-T-Y- oh my” and “Here’s a shovel can you dig it fool?” Oh Yeah. You wanna talk dance party in my drivers seat? It was on. I have no shame. You will so totally be dancing when you click on the link above. You love it
Oh and that’s only 2% of it all people. I’d need years to write the rest.
Dear Honda,
The above title is the beginning mileage when I left my home in my super sweet 2000 Civic LX with tape deck today- and then ending mileage when I arrived at my destination. She drove like I just took her off the lot brand new. I love you Honda. I’m volunteering myself as a spokesperson for how amazing your little cars are. You can wrap my car with Honda logos or whatever you think works or give me a new little car to drive. I will go on the road, meet lots of people and tell them how amazing your product is.  Adventure ON! In return you pay for my expenses and I get to have the coolest life ever. I am not asking for much. I get excited over taking photos of old barns and eating dollar menu french fries. I’m a cheap date. I have no doubt I can sell hundreds of cars for you. You can find me here. Leave me your phone number and I will give you a call when I’m done enjoying my time at the lake. This could be your best marketing move ever. Hit me up.