Fridays At The Bay

I think this stuff tastes like crap. Most others I have asked think the same. Even thought it might not be the tastiest of brews, I have to give the old Bud Light Lime some props here. Without it and a certain interaction this summer, the past few months wouldn’t have been nearly as fun and awesome as they have been.

Cheers to you BLL. Thanks for at least looking icey-cold and refreshing.

There Are No Coincidences

Last night a friend rolled into town late for a visit. We were channel flipping at around midnight while relaxing on the couch and catching up. As we laughed about the Post-it note episode and my post from yesterday, we realized we’d stopped on rerun of SATC and yep- you guessed it, that very episode. 

Yet another reason to believe that everything happens for a reason and things like roommate debacles, drama, adventure and all the rest of the madness in life is alllll supposed to happen.
Love it!

I got dumped On A Post-it Note

(I hope you know this episode of Sex and the City. There was a note situation in my life this morning and a friend made reference to this episode. We thought it was funny so a perfect title to todays entry.)

I know that I write about a lot of TTAA (Things that are awesome) and I do think there are a lot of TTAA in general. What I would like to share right now are TTTS. (That stands for things that TOTALLY suck.)

#1 Having a roommate when you’re over the age of 22. Ok- so roommates are pretty annoying anytime unless you are going to marry them.
#2 Having a roommate that totally sucks, who screams at you and drinks all your beer.
Um, yeah. I think a; WTF?! and wow- that really sucks ass is appropriate right here. That and knowing that life will never cease to throw you curve balls. You know, I hate to be girly and go all feminist and stuff for a minute- but I sure am sick of dealing with grown men in work and life that turn out to be complete weirdos for NO reason. (Yes, there are bazillions of wonderful and non-weird men course. Thank god. Just seems there are a slew of weirdos too.) Maybe it is true that men and women just can’t be friends cause there’s always going to be some type of feelings or drama on either end. Hey people who can’t speak what’s on their mind…get over yourselves! Can we all grow the eff up and stop throwing sand in the sandbox?
Jesus pete.
The daily life human study- totally love it. 
Grown men who can’t speak up- so totally hate it.
It’s fantastic that all I have to do is wake up in the morning and take one step into the world to fill the bucket of great material I have for my book. At this point my bucket needs to be a storage warehouse. Thanks world- you sure do make for some good stories!

I Spy!

Do you ever wonder if people think there is some magical force-field in their car windows or that they’re painted black or something?

I just went for a run. It never fails that about every third time I’m pounding the pavement there is a guy or gal sitting at a stop sign/light and just straight up picking their nose. Yes, I know it has to be done sometime and there’s often not a ton of time to run in a bathroom during a busy day or whatever but just going to town in broad daylight like that? Hello!
For those of you who could care less who sees- great. Good for you for not giving a hoot. For you other daylight pickers who’d be mortified if you you knew how clearly we can see you; They are called windows. It’s not 1988, you’re not in Daytona driving that dark tinted Z28. We can so totally see you hardcore digging for gold.
Just FYI.