So Thankful for this Year
Yeah. There aren’t enough hours to even begin typing why, so I’ll leave it at that.
Yeah. There aren’t enough hours to even begin typing why, so I’ll leave it at that.
I snapped this shot at a Caribou coffee in the airport. (Hey- I think it’s funny:) Shortly after taking this photo I got on my plane where I couldn’t stop giggling with the lady next to me because the guy behind us was snoring so loud it could’ve moved a mountain. (This guy was snoozing away before the cabin door was even closed!) Next up was the lady next to me grabbing my leg and hand as we took off because she was deathly afraid of flying, and finally out of nowhere this little voice starts belting out tunes. Beat It was her first song. Word for word. What a nice tribute to MJ from a kid thought- as I turned around to stare straight at the most adorable little munchkin singing away. She could not have been more than 4 years old. Too cute.
Have something fancy-schmancy to go to? Feel like looking sassy or smoking-hot for someone? Your bank account not as fat-daddy as it used to be? Think it’s crazy to spend hundreds on a dress you might only wear one time?