
This is post # 400 for me. 400! Holy moses! I guess time really does fly when you’re having fun. 

Ever notice that most of the time adults look like they’re not having a bit fun? I mean- kids have it down pat. They run, they laugh, they play- all without a care in the world about what’s going on around them. Why are kids smarter than us adults? At what point is it so uncool for grown-ups to laugh out loud, run and play or joke with someone that we just stop or give up? 
I was fortunate enough over Thanksgiving weekend to spend time with fun people. I mean really fun, act like idiots, just don’t give a damn what anyone thinks- friends and family. Sitting with my grandparents who are almost 80 years young yesterday morning for breakfast, I was laughing out loud having a blast talking about absolutely nothing important, just loving the moment. All I could think of was, wouldn’t the world be even better with a few more people in it like my happy, smiley, loving, portly grandparents. They’re just doing their thing, not hurting a soul and completely not giving a damn about anything other than enjoying life. 
How appropriate that I happened to spot this sign yesterday too.
Lets have some fun people. Act like kids. Or maybe I should say; If you are a fuddy-dutty and don’t want to have fun on a daily basis- please stay away; You’re cramping my giggling, everything is possible and oh you better bet your ass I am going to get it – style. You can go find Debbie Downer, She wants to hang out. I don’t.

I’m So Glad I Suck At Reality

I’m going to be that annoying person and keep posting quotes, lines and other babble here from a book that I want to eat I’m so in love with right now; The 4-Hour Workweek. I typically underline words/lines I think are interesting or fantastic as I read. I’ve practically underlined this entire book. Here’s one for you today:

“Does your life have a purpose? Are you contributing anything useful to this world, or just shuffling papers, banging on a keyboard, and coming home to a drunken existence on the weekends?
Yeah, I know. 
Are you suddenly thinking; For the love of god are you really going to make me think about this?! If I do, I might want to make some big changes in my life and god knows shaking things up like that is just “unrealistic”, scary as hell and I might- gasp!- make people think I’m crazy…
Jesus. Thanks Di. 
Ahh…you’re welcome. Isn’t it great? Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just hanging out on this Blue Lollipop Road of life doing things like passing on words from other people so I constantly keep myself in check too. 
There’s another part in the book that the author Timothy Ferriss writes that his high school admissions counselor told him to be more “realistic” to which he concluded he was just not good at reality. Me either Tim! Wahoo for that! I guess neither of us would’ve learned to start contributing anything useful to the world if we’d ever been very realistic. Thank goodness we don’t listen very well to some people either.
Here’s to being unrealistic, asking questions and shaking things up.

Who Wakes You Up?

I’m very excited to report that I get to hang out with a fellow coffee-lover as he finishes up his roasting session Tuesday this coming week. I’ve only spent a small amount of time with him in the past, but when I learned of his project; Origin a couple months ago I was excited to contact and congratulate him. I was instantly intrigued about his project. That with combination of his happy and genuine personality and two of my favorite things; Coffee and stories about where things/people come from, it was a no-brainer I’d find a way to catch up with him sooner than later to learn all about what he’s been up to.

Check out Drink Up Give Back and read about what Tom is doing. He started out as a barista some years ago. It’s neat to see how his love for the delicious brew has progressed. How cool is it that his organization is improving “…the quality of life for the farmers who wake us up every day.” Just like in a lot of our daily routine, I’m sure most of us don’t even think about the story behind how the delicious cup of java gets into our hands. Tom is helping tell the stories.

It thrills me to meet, read about or spend time with anyone who is living their passion/following their dreams in general- no matter what the subject. Even better when that person is giving back or doing good. The energy poured out into the world from someone who completely grabs the thing they love or believes in- and runs with it, is totally inspiring. 
Tom- you are one of these people. I’m looking forward to our time together!
Everyone else- I’ll report back soon on my time with Tom. I’m sure I’ll have some fantastic stuff to share!