
I can see it now- the newest Tampax Tampons ad campaign; To Protect and Serve. 


So this was the typical sign in a women’s public bathroom stall I was in yesterday while shopping.
Ladies- do these little signs crack you up as much as they do me? The things some places come up with! I have seen everything from; “feminine hygiene” to “feminine needs” to “protection” to “personal female items” and on and on.
(Ear muffs gents…)
Um, why don’t they just say: “Put your pads and tampons in here please.” I mean- hello! We don’t need code or dainty words to know what that little silver swingy trash can built into the wall thing is- we’ve seen it a million times.
Oh the things in a day that entertain me.

Busy busy…

I love the fact that there are some great people in my life and readers here that worry if I am Ok if I disappear here for a day or two…

Oh how good I am Steve- just busy living it up on some weekend adventures and playing outside…
More soon…
Cheers to Sunday Funday! Wahoo!

With You On This One Drunken Gnome

I’ve recently come in contact with and author who has the most hilarious blog. (I wrote about her a couple weeks ago.) Hers is the first blog I have officially become a follower of. I had to. It’s that funny. If you haven’t looked at; Things I Want To Punch in The Face, yet- do it and get ready to laugh your arse off.

The following is #2 from todays entry; The drunken gnome’s punch list. People ranting honestly are like the funniest thing ever:
“People who can’t handle real life. Don’t complain to me about how hard your life is when you planned on having kids, a mortgage, a car payment, cable, a fancy new phone, and can’t pay the bills or feed your family. Get a job or stop drinking at the bar every night. Shut the fuck up. We all have bills.”