June 8, 2010
“You can actually see Russia from land here”
Things that happen/things people say when you tell them you’re going to drive to Alaska from the East Coast:
1.)”Are you crazy?!, “What are you stupid?! and “Why you are being so rebellious?- Aren’t you ever going to grow up?”
2.) “I’m jealous and want to quit my job. Can I come with you?”
3.) Email your current boss to tattle tale on you. (News flash wanna-be trouble maker; This thing you’re on right now? It’s called THE WORLD WIDE WEB. Yeah, like as in- anyone can be on it, including current bosses. Um, do you think I’d write something on here I didn’t want someone to see? Come on now. Better yet and even funnier, this current boss of mine who you ran to tattle to? He’s been a follower of this blog since day 1 and probably been the person most pushing me to do, be and write anything and everything I want. So? even though you tattled, I didn’t get in trouble. I know that probably disappoints you. Sorry. You know, if you have that much extra time on your hands- I could sure use some extra help packing…:)
4.) Panic sets in and everyone gets worried. (It’s very sweet.)
5.) Ask if you will send them a post card. (Of course I will!)
6.) Name off about 56 of their friends, family members, some random old roommate that lives in X,Y, Z place and how I should “Totally go stay with them! They even have a farm you work on for a week!”
Things that you think to yourself when you decided you are going to drive to Alaska from the East Coast:
1.) This is going to be awesome.
2.) I can’t wait.
3.) I feel like I am a fish and I have just found the water.
4.) OOOH! I forgot that so-and-so lives there! I get to see them for the first time in 10 years- yay!
5.) I wonder of all the people who say; “I am totally going to go on X leg of the journey with you” and ” I could fly out and see you at X!” – who will actually come.
6.) This is going to be awesome
Please stay tuned and be patient with me. I know I am missing days and disappearing here and there, but promises, promises- when the new BLR launches it’s going to be well worth the wait!