June 29, 2010
After one last day of madness in the prep for the kick off to the trip, here we are!
I haven’t slept in days (that’s actually not an exaggeration) and I’ve been nursing some severe road rash from somehow clothes-lining myself while running last week. (I do not recommend getting no sleep after maaaaybe a few cocktails with some friends at a bon voyage dinner, then trying to run in 100 degree heat the next morning.) After bloody knees, schlepping boxes 3 flights in what’s about the hottest June on record in Virginia and pulling all nighters with the best intern in the whole wide world- welcome the new Blue Lollipop Road. Launching this site tonight, coupled with a generous unexpected donation (Thanks Tim- whoop whoop!) and being offered another sponsorship, I have nearly just jumped out of my pants with excitement (even though I can barely keep my eyes open.)
That whole deciding what you want and going for it 110% thing? Yeah, what they say is true; You do get
better and better at it and things just fall into place…
Cheers to wearing yourself ragged from doing what you love. I’ll take it!