October 28, 2010
She drove to Alaska from the east coast.
Came to Napa, CA as a last stop before heading back east because awesome friend suggested “Work here for harvest season!- and stay with us!”
So she looks feverishly for a job thinking that’d be swell.
Even though companies tell her they love her and they need help desperately- they don’t hire her.
She tries, and tries and interviews and interviews and tries again.
Still does not get hired.
She is bummed, confused, and just doesn’t get it.
Decides she needs to listen to the world and clearly west is not where she’s meant to be right now.
Picks a day to leave.
Then person calls out of nowhere; (Friend of friend) “Please! stay! Come work for us! We think you’re great!”
She says: “Ok, fine, I will work for the two weeks before I leave.”
She works for this company, falls in love with the people, the product, the owners, and all the possibility and opportunity there could be ahead.
She still says/plans to leave.
5 days before she leaves she thinks she needs to get her head examined; Leaving would be a huge mistake.
She says to the company: “I lie! I love you guys! I am so staying and I am so in!”
They tilt their heads juuuuuuust a little thinking; Ok, is she going to want to leave again next week?- but mostly they dance, cheer and high five as they are so happy for her to be a part of the crew. They welcome her to stay.
She is happy. They are happy.
Good things are here, better things are coming and they both know this for sure.
In the ongoing battle for east or west, the west has finally won for now.
This is going to be very, very good for her life.
She will miss the east, and all her peeps, (she already does), but duty calls and she feels like from here, things can only go up, up up.
She is smiling.
Here’s to the adventure she thinks.
She is very, very excited to keep collecting good stories and fantastic experiences.