get your bubbles ready!

Our bottle of bubbly on the coast of Maine

I took this photo while in Portland Maine 2 summers ago. My Mom, Brother, Sister and I walked by a fabulous little wine and cheese shop while perusing the streets and thought grabbing a bottle of bubbly, a baguette and some manchego cheese would make for a good snack and relax pit stop on the sunny afternoon overlooking the water. Isn’t the sweat coming off the bottle perfect? During this cold winter, it makes me dream of warm summer days lying in green, green grass and sipping deliciousness while spending time with people I love.

Cheers to popping some bubbly, and all the great adventures to come!


here’s your sign

When I was in Nashville a few weeks back, I asked a clerk about the tax rate after my order rang up. He told me what it was and then asked where I was from:

Me: “Well, I am from Vermont, but just came from California.”
Him: “Is Vermont near California?”
Me: Speechless, smiling, saying thank you and walking away trying not to make a face.

I made a phone call this morning confirming an appointment. The staff person on the phone asked me what my name was:

Me: “Diane Peacock”
Her: (spelling it out…) “Is that P,e,a,c,o,k,e?”
Me: “No Ma’am, it’s P,e,a,c,o,c,k.”
Me: Raising eyebrows and making faces on the other side of the phone.


In the adventure that’s next in life, in job interviews, meetings- other, it’s good to know that I might be at least one step ahead of some, simply based on the fact that I know that Vermont is not anywhere near California, and I can spell peacock. (I can knit too- watch out!) Did I mention I have also been asked which state is Vermont in? Between that and the comment I overheard someone making once that “Vermont is in one of those states, like New England”-I don’t think have anything to worry about.

It’s always good to have a good laugh in your day.

This one is dedicated to you Camilla~

Girl…we have nothing to worry about. They might even vote us in as Co-Presidents soon because we are so brilliant 🙂


tick, tock, tick, tock

Only 4 days until we ring in 2011. How time flies when you’re having fun. I’m looking forward to sharing some news with you here!

I hope everyone is getting up, getting out, and chasing those things you want and love. After all, the only way to get things done is to start doing them first.

Cheers to taking a step with your own two feet.