weekday errands

Oh small town America how I love you. I love the characters who live in you, the quiet streets you have that I go for long runs on, and the seeming ease and overall relaxation way of life. I love the businesses that have bells on the doors to let the shopkeepers know I’m there there, and friendly “Hello!” greetings. I love hand written receipts covered in greasy fingerprints from those carbon-copy spiral-bound notebooks that your auto shop hands me after changing the BLR-Mobile oil. I love that restaurants are called Mr. Chicken:

Funny signs, Upstate NY

…that have picnic tables, and painted signs with slightly creepy looking beach bum guys on them, making sure to let everyone know you have good eats:

Funny signs, Upstate NY

I love that your volunteer ambulance garage has a sign outside that’s missing a letter:

The BLR-Mobile finding funny signs in Upstate, NY

(on both sides) but no one really wants to speak up and tell you because it’s the thought/thanks that counts anyway, not the spelling.

My intention yesterday was simple: Drive “into town” for an hour or so, get an oil change, go for a run and pick something up from the store. Regular ol’ get things done business-day chores turned into once again being presented with the lesson that if I keep my eyes and ears open, stay curious about my surroundings, engage with new people, and keep appreciating the simple, small things- whether I’m “there” for an hour or a year, and whether it’s a teeny town or big city, I will always have soul-filled days and great adventure.

Not bad for a Monday.


thank you thank you!

The gratitude continues to awesome, generous (and funny) people who support Blue Lollipop Road:

*Huge thanks to Matt at DPI Inc. in Wilmington, NC who has made and donated BLR signage for the 2012 Hybrid Civic I will be driving. You rock Matt! Thanks for always being a fan and keeping me visible as I continue down the highways of life!

*To reader T, who had a good time teasing me yesterday about my “Ancient Old Lady” check book balancing from my office photo. You crack me up. Yes that new fangled online banking plus a good ol’ pen and calculator. I cover all my basis (and I am still laughing 🙂 I’ll take the teasing any day of the week. Thanks for being such a loyal reader!


lunch at bryant park

I had lunch last week at Bryant Park in NYC. I had been there before, but not on a warm sunny summer day, and never to stay and eat under the canopy of trees and beautiful green:

Bryant Park NYC at lunch time

Bryant Park NYC at lunch time

Bryant Park NYC at lunch time

It’s hard to believe you are smack dab in the middle of the gargantuan and bustling Big Apple when you are there, because there’s a quiet, calm, relaxation to those few acres with people reading, napping, noshing, wandering:

Bryant Park NYC at lunch time

Bryant Park NYC at lunch time

We ordered sandwiches from Tom Colicchio’s well-known ‘Wichcraft and discovered very quickly we made the right choice. Hello marinated zucchini pressed sandwich with roasted tomatoes, mozzarella and parmesan!

Marinated zucchini 'Wich Craft sandwich


Lunch dates, annual meet-ups with old friends NYC, green space, yummy eats, and people watching. I’m a huge fan.