a weekend in maine

Oh the stories and videos I have to post this week from my long weekend away in the Vacationland.

Life changing pizza in Portland, whoopie pie making and feasting in Cape Elizabeth, and parades with color guard teams flipping flags with Million Mile Joe’s head on them in Saco. All so fun.

Back in Chicago already and running off to job #2 now so more soon…


i’m here. it’s on!

Turns out that Spirit Airlines is actually no b.s! Ok, so you don’t get any TV, drink or any other extras, but who likes that freeze dried chicken sandwich crap other airlines serve anyway? I’d rather have a $39 plane ticket for a quick flight and save my loot for the good food once I get “there” thankyouverymuch. So I am in Maine, flight Chicago to Boston was an easy breeze, direct too, departed and arrived within 1.5 hours or so. Fabulous. Spirit is going to stay on my radar for future quick, easy, cheap getaways for sure.

It’s near 3am, I must be up an atem early to help make (and sample of course) whoopie pies in last minute prep for Saturdays Harvest on the Harbor, so I will keep this short as I need to get some shut-eye. A big weekend is about to unfold here in the Vacationland of the Northeast. I was even contacted today by a radio show host and newspaper columnist in Bangor via someone in Detroit about the Honda fun and celebration with Million Mile Joe on Sunday. We shall see what happens with that.

Plenty to report back soon. I got to eat a preliminary BLR flavor whoopie tonight right out of the airport gate; Nutella filling squishing out of a chocolate cake. Mmmm….


planes, trains and automobiles

Well, actually- just planes and automobiles.

I usually drive everywhere (as you have heard the Honda love and about all my road trips), but tomorrow I fly to Boston en route to Maine for this weekends Whoopsies/Harvest on the Harbor and Million Mile Joe festivities. I got a super last minute deal flight on Spirit Airlines (booked just last week) so we shall see how that goes. I already found out about some extra charges and fine print, but round trip even with those so far is looking like a total of $175 non-stop Chicago to Boston, so fingers crossed no more hidden fees. I will report back of course. You know I love getting the best deal around and that’s all I can afford anyway, so I believe in keeping all flights under $200 if humanly possible.

It’s hard to believe it’s coming up on a month since I’ve been back in Chicago from my BLR Honda September Adventure. It’s all been a whirlwind! Going back to job #1 slinging burgers and beers to pay the bills, finding an apartment. to home base in, run around the city finding furniture and all apartment furnishing, sleep for more than 2 minutes, run, Zumba, dance class, and of course job #2 BLR and working on fun things like b-day #3 and the launch of this sweet new whoopie pie, finagling to make it to Million Miles Joe’s day and yet another collaboration that’s been in the works for a while that I will be UBER excited to report on when I am able. I have a few wrap up videos from last months trip I owe here that will be posted within the next week. After vagabonding for so many years, I have to say it’s been nice to walk in and shut my own door of my own little home at night, and sleep in my own bed. (Yes! I got a bed! First time in a very long time. What a treat.)

Besides the treat of a bed and place to actually receive mail and shower where I don’t have to pack up my toiletries each day, my home base offers the #1 thing that I was looking for: A place to have all my things nice and organized so I have the foundation to work on and plan even more kick-ass adventures and projects! You didn’t actually think this was it/home base established/game over did you? Hee hee…of course not! BLR year 3 has got some serious momentum and oh the “places” we will go. The more time that passes, the more and more I see that everything is possible, so I fully plan to continue on taking in everything I can and encouraging you all to do the same.

Next time you see me here I’ll be stuffing my face with a BLR flavored whoopie pie!