coming this week

1.) Photos and stories from my quick but majorly fun road trip to Wisconsin this weekend.

2.) Updates on the BLR Reunion Soccer weekend event.

3.) 2 work announcements that are very exciting.

…these things and photos of the mayhem festivities for St. Patty’s Day here in Chicago I’ve heard about. 4 days until the river is turned green and I’m celebrating the above and more with good friends and an ice cold Harp in hand!


road trip!

To my horror, I realized the other day that I had not been out of the state by car in 5 months. How did that happen?- I though. Simply unacceptable for me.

So I decided I’d drive to Nashville this weekend.

The week didn’t turn out quite the way I had anticipated, so I am taking a a shorter, quicker road trip. Hint: To a cheesy place with really cute kids:

Ali and Wisconsin Farmer's Market cheese bread

I’ll have to go get my country on in Nashville another weekend soon. This face is too hard to resist.

The road and good old friends await, so I am off…

Here’s to not letting too much time (like 5 months) pass in between doing what you love and seeing who you love.


some VERY exciting work news

An opportunity I’ve been in talks about for a while now has come to fruition this week. I am doing the happy dance! I should be able to share after tomorrow, but for now I will give you a hint:

It’s about finding your passion.

What I have been taught for sure once again- is that if you leap, there will always be a safety net on the other side to catch you. The key is, you have to actually leap…