hello new england!

I’m going on 1,500 miles in 5 days, racking up the miles on the BLR-Mobile:

Racking up the miles on the Civic

…going from DC to Charlotte, back up through VA, DC again, Maryland, NJ, NY, into MA:

Massachusetts State Line

Why? To get to my New England summer home base of course! To work on a most exciting project with:

Rita's books

…and a few other amazing people.

Big things. Good things. GREAT things are happening and the tipping point has tipped.



sangria and shockabuku

As an always guest in peoples homes, no morning for me is ever the same for me.  This morning by 6:30am I was talking about sangria and shockabuku with my brother as he prepped my nephews breakfast while we sipped coffee. There was a bottle of wine on the counter in front of where I was sitting, so when I asked if he’d ever made sangria and he said no, I had to google some recipes. I found this one and this one that looked yummy to share with him. (Hello summer approaching fast and furious! We can’t wait for you and all your treats.)

As I searched the web for sangria inspiration, I thought of shockabuku for some reason, which was recently brought to my attention by my new friend Ethan:

This is officially my new favorite movie clip. I think we all could use some regular shockabuku.

Coffee + early morning random conversation with people you love + swift spiritual kicks to the head that alter your reality forever = awesome.

Happy Tuesday.


don’t stop

Busy! Awesome! Excited! That’s been the past few weeks as I have officially accepted a position on a project that is like my dream. TBA soon. We’ve just gotten our social media rolling and the official project announcement will be blasted to the world soon. (Think getting global and finding your Blue Lollipop Road!)

So here we are, less than 3 months away from the 2nd Annual BLR Play It Forward, the 2nd Blue Lollipop Road Memorial Scholarship giveaway, year 5 since the launch of Blue Lollipop Road, and after all this time and effort- mountains are starting to move. (With a lot of hard work.)

Me = Hardworking Happy Camper.

If you’re out there, chipping away at something you’re totally passionate about and you’re beyond exhausted working your butt off- keep pushing. If you’re sick of being poor, wondering if you’ll be able to stand one more paycheck to paycheck week as you work away at that project you love- don’t stop. If you’re really in love with something, stay committed. You will make it take off eventually. If you’ve got a fire inside, do your thing. You’ll probably kick, scream, and curse all the way wondering why things aren’t easier. (I have and still often do.) The good stuff isn’t supposed to come easy. Easy doesn’t make good stories or build rock-solid character.

Being in love with something, be truly passionate about that thing you just can’t shake, will always trump any exhaustion and that empty bank account you think you just can’t stand anymore. As I type, I’m working my tail off a bit more tired than I used to be. As I maintain my consistently low bank account balance- I’m still happy. I’ve committed to working on projects I believe in and with people I respect. That really does payoff. I’m confident with that, my future of well-rested, overflowing bank account days will come.

If you’ve got a fire burning for something, keep adding the logs. Feeling the heat when it all comes together is a warmth that is oh so sweet.


will you be this thankful and celebrating on april 19, 2014- or will you have forgotten?

Based on TV and social media, It’s clear that millions feel the Boston Marathon bomber #2 capture is a huge victory and means to celebrate. I’m not sure I see it that way. The country is cheering because 1 man was caught after killing and injuring multiple people? Is this a victory? Is this something to celebrate? I suppose “knowing” that 1 dangerous person is off the streets might be comforting, and the fact that modern technology has made incredible leaps giving Joe nobody the ability to assist law enforcement in finding these criminals (great!)- but are we all really comfortable now after this capture? Are we all actually going to sleep better tonight? I wonder if the families of the deceased are going to have a comfy cozy nights rest at their homes minus one person. I wonder if the the families of the injured, holding the hands of their loved ones in the hospitals that will never be the same as they are fitted for their prosthetic limbs- are going to “sleep tight.” I doubt it.

I sit here shaking my head at the news on TV, and the posts on social media sites like Facebook, knowing from experience that people forget. (I so wish this was not the case.) People celebrate and thank when It’s the thing to do. When the cameras are there. They congratulate public safety workers, mourn for the deceased and injured today, but they forget tomorrow, next month and next year. I’ve seen it before. I hope this time is different and I will be wrong. I really hope this time is different and I will be so, so wrong. I hope that next year on April 19th at 9pmEDT all Bostonians (and all Americans) will stop what they’re doing as they are in this moment, and stand on the streets to cheer public safety workers and salute military men and women who make it possible for us to roll into a Starbucks daily and grab a latte happily as we head off to our free to do anything American days of everything that’s possible because they are putting their lives on the line so we can do just that. I hope we all spend a night and then some a year from now and more, supporting, loving, and hugging our neighbors, and friends as we are tonight. Yes, I hope every American, 365 days from today, will stand and clap for all those men and women in uniform who put their lives on the line every single day. I hope we remember the tears that welled up when we heard the stories of the heartbroken family members of the wounded and dead. I hope we remember the gut-wrenching knot we felt until we heard back from that friend who was in Boston (especially the ones that were running) who we weren’t sure were safe on race day until hours later. I hope we all start to give a real shit about how lucky we are to be living every day, with our health, all of our limbs, and all those little things we too often forget.

I hope.