March 25, 2010
Drop And Give Me 20
If you ever feel like a super bad-ass because you run and play sports and are “in shape” and you want to get knocked down a few notches, go to a boot camp class. I went to an hour and half class the other night with a friend and tried my best to put in 110% effort. I jumped around with weights like a frog, sprinted suicides like I was trying out for varsity soccer again and lifted and pushed up while counting out loud like I was trying to get be a Navy Seal.
I mean, not in a bad way. In a wow, I have been an athlete my whole life and I didn’t even know I had those muscles way. It is now 2 days later and I just had to get out of my chair at the office like I am 9 months pregnant because my legs are so sore. I have have stretched and stretched while my muscles scream and I even went for my run this morning to try to conquer the pain. Um- can you say quite a sight? I’m confident I looked like a complete idiot and I was laughing most of the way. Couldn’t stop thinking- yeah Di, you sure are a bad-ass, you can barely freaking walk!
Spring has sprung and if you’re looking to get that killer bikini bod for summer, I’d suggest a humbling boot camp session. What a fantastic and thorough ass kicking for anyone.
Now where’s my Bengay…
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