favorite spot?

favorite spot?

I’d like to know, what’s your favorite U.S city and why? The favorite place you have either lived in or spent a bunch of time in. Please post a comment here if you have a few minutes.

Thanks for any feedback!

1 Comment
  • Tom A. Thorogood

    August 3, 2010 at 2:28 pm

    If we’re talking continental US, I’d honestly have to say Richmond. I’ve been to the major cities (sans LA & Seattle) and didn’t much care for them. I’ve spent summers in Michigan and various places in Texas.

    Richmond’s the only one that has everything I need, without too much of what I don’t, which is why I haven’t left.Airports, beach, mountains, cities, trains are all close by. Easy to escape, and easy to stick around.

    Chicago I loved, but it’s too cold.

    If we’re not talking continental: San Sebastian, in Puerto Rico. Perhaps one of my favorite little towns evar, and the only place I’d usually rather be than RVA.


    sic luceat lux