i love this guy

i love this guy

Farmer Brad Peacock

(I mean- how cute is he? He also happens to be my little brother, Brad:) I took this photo when we were goofing around at the West River Farmers Market in Vermont last year. Brad is a farmer. One among the many who work humbly and tirelessly to grow all that fresh delicious food that keeps us healthy. Check out this article he’s in!

Below is at the same farmers market last year. 3 of the 4 Peacock “kids.”  (Oldest ,DJ not pictured.) Youngest in the fam, Erin is on the right:

Diane, Brad, and Erin Peacock at the West River Farmers Market

…she often works at Clear Brook Farm with Brad and the crew between her travels. Yay for amazing siblings! Yay for farmers! Three cheers and hats off to all the farmers out there who work their fingers to the bone to provide our communities with the best food possible.

Where’s your favorite farm?

#FarmerLove #VermontFarmers #LoveTheEarth #SiblingsRock

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