where is the best place to live?

where is the best place to live?

Think about where the largest concentration (or at least a couple) of key humans who you feel the love from, are. Those people who get you. As in- not only enjoy when you come around flying your freaky quirk flag, but encourage you to fly it and can’t wait to see you flying it. These people are the ones who you may have known for 6 days months or 66 years. They regularly challenge and stretch you, and call you out when you need it- but would never for a minute want to change a thing about you. Add in they make you laugh too, and you have a winner winner chicken dinner. The rest is just details.


I’m getting smarter in my old age.

If you’re a slow learner like me- welcome to the club. Keep swinging the bat, following your heart and gut, and never let anyone give you any shit. You’ll eventually hit a home run and find your place. (Or places.)

Where’s your place?

#DontKnowUntilYouTry #BraveHeart #PLUParty #MyPeople

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