operation charlotte

operation charlotte

Huge BLR Play it Forward event weekend in Vermont, a drive south 900 miles, shop ’till I drop so I have things to sleep on, eat off, and slice with (did I mention I hate shopping and spending money on “stuff”?), furniture assembly-ville (my daughter of a builder I can do it myself because I am woman hear me roar thankyouverymuch has been in full swing), days filled with teetering feelings of excitement/fish out of water/this is great/what the hell am I doing?!/Yay for a new place to explore/wtf?! (insert every overwhelming feeling under the sun here) and long early morning runs in the mega-heat and humidity past places like the NASCAR Hall of Fame. (I know. I’m laughing too. Northern girl lost? Maybe…)

And It’s only been a week since my last post.

If you’re reading this I hope you’re ready for some doozey writing coming coming soon to a BLR near you. (That means right here.) I’m prepping for when you’ll visit here over the next few months and think- did she seriously just write that and post it on the internet? (Think vintage 2009 BLR when I consistently wrote about what I now lovingly call “The shit-show of 2009”.) Remember that shit-show? Otherwise known as girl sharing dirty laundry style life stuff that happens because she has a lot to say, feels overly comfortable showing her ass, and totally believes (whether we admit it or not) that EVERY SINGLE person can relate in some way to the growth, the struggles, the thoughts, the feelings that happen as we all continually figure life out. (I have to say it feels great to be able to giggle about that 2009 shit-show now, because the last thing I was thinking about back then was giggling. Oh the memories:)

I’m always pushing for people to step out of their comfort zones because there’s nothing like jumping into the unknown and scrambling to fly so you get to know your inner badass. This time I am turning the tables on myself. I’ve just launched into a wildly uncomfortable and completely new situation that I’ve never been in before. Yes, my choice- so why choose the hard way? The way that feels so incredibly foreign? Well, let’s say an experiment to get to know the other side of myself that I’ve paid little attention to during the past 18 years, to stretch my limits so I keep learning, to attempt to scratch the biggest bucket item off my ongoing list, and mostly, because under all the weirdness and discomfort- it feels like the right time.

Welcome to Operation Charlotte; You can take a girl off the road, but you can’t stop her from exploring.

Here we go!

*(BLR Play It Forward 2013 event follow-up is coming, I’m waiting on photo edits so visit back soon.)

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