extra! extra!

extra! extra!

Days fly by and lots happens before I get a chance to fully share here, so today’s post is a partial list of what’s been shaking in the world of the blue lollipop lately.

(In no particular order)

In BLR Play It Forward news:

1.) I had an interview last week on WBTN to share information about our event.
2.) The Town of Shaftsbury (VT) has generously donated the use of Howard Park once again. They’ve also posted information on their website to support us.
3.) Clear Brook Farm is once again our food sponsor. They will provide fresh organic foods for our event guests. (Yummy! We love fresh and local.)
4.) Price Chopper and Hannaford Supermarkets will again both provide gift cards so we can stock up on all the plates, napkins, bottled water, and other items we need for the big day.
5.) Willies Variety and Bakery in Bennington, VT will again be providing boxes of our beloved Blue Razz Blow Pops. (Get ready for blue tongues everyone! If you are coming to play in the alumni soccer game or watch from the sidelines, we might try to “force” you to eat one at some point during the day:)
6.) One of our Blue Lollipop Road Memorial Scholarship 2012 winners, Hannah Patterson will be sharing a guest post and some photos here on Blue Lollipop Road in the next couple weeks about how she used her travel scholarship funds.
7.) Mike Cutler will be volunteering his photography expertise this year to snap all event photos.
8.) Tracy Bushee (alumni/friend/designer of the Play If Forward logo) is whipping up an event poster again that will go up around Southern Vermont this week.

How awesome is it that so many of the sponsoring individuals and companies that helped make BLR Play It Forward 2012 possible, jumped at the chance to support us again this year? VERY. THANK YOU EVERYONE!

In other news: 

1.) My work with AGA continues. I will be sharing information as we go. For now, if you are reading this and are a grant writer- we’d love to talk. Drop me a line: Diane(@)bluelollipoproad.com
2.) I’m going to be featured in a series about female entrepreneurs on a blog called Things to Cherish by Alicia Mohr. Check out her gorgeous jewelry designs. Stay tuned for link to my interview.
3.) I’ve been asked by the Women’s Sports Foundation to be on their Travel & Training Fund committee. In partnership with Gatorade, a total of $100,000 will be awarded for their 2013 grant cycle and I get to judge a few of the 94 applicants for this year.

How awesome is all of the above news? VERY.

Put your heart in the right place, work hard, then ask…and you shall receive.

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