news and updates

news and updates

It’s been quite an interesting week since the wild disappointment about the Best of the Road Rally. To say that Rand McNally did not follow their own rules or “play” with integrity is a major understatement. Nearly every single one of the top voted and social media active teams (including us) have been in touch with Rand McNally of course questioning their processes and asking for much deserved explanations. The response Mom and I received was exactly what we assumed would come; A canned, corporate, patronizing one, of course -admitting no fault.

We are not sore losers and this is not a case of sour grapes. No one can really be that upset when a game is played and a better performing team wins. Who could argue that? This situation was different though. A giant red flag flew as soon as finalist results were revealed. Out of all of the teams that had worked so hard for weeks fully filling out bios, writing reviews on towns and places, submitting videos, soliciting the most votes, being social media active like crazy, and following all the rules to the T (again, including us)- none of us were chosen?

Hmmm….sound fishy? We (all the top rejected teams) thought so too, so we did some poking around.

Oh the things we could share.

Tsk, tsk, tsp Rand McNally. Your blatant disregard for following your own rules set for the Best of the Road competition, your lack of integrity, and your inability to step up and fall on your sword when the true facts have been found by so many of us who played fair is absolutely outrageous. We all never even had a chance to win a spot in the game you play. As Mom and I stated in our letter to you, you have lost two fans, followers and customers forever.

***If any fans, followers, press, Rand McNally or USA TODAY want to discuss any of our findings- please contact us. We believe in transparency and truth so are happy to share any facts, at any time, with anyone. Unless we are asked to approach this subject again by an outside party however- we are closing this door and moving on to much more positive things. We say let karma work, eventually the people and facts that need to be exposed- will be :)***

Now Moving on.

The Blue Lollipop Road Play it Forward Reunion Soccer Weekend is just 2.5 months away! YIPPEE! We are so happy and proud of the event we have planned. It’s been a furry of work this week getting the last details set and information laid out ready go on the new BLR site. We can’t wait to share with you all!

Look for a June kick off with a new look and updated message here. Here’s to a great summer of positivity and Blue Lollipop Road!

  • Jeri

    June 7, 2012 at 1:38 pm

    Hi Diane,
    I was really shocked (to say the least) when I read that your team had not been chosen for the 2012 Road Rally. (I know, I was a little slow at finding out this surprising news).
    I’m sorta interested in your findings, but then, why dwell on it, as you say?
    I’m a fan of yours now and I’m sure there are many others that didn’t know about you before this contest sooooo yippee! for that to happen for you!
    Keep travelin’ and posting away and enjoy this amazing world we live in! All the best to you and I’ll be checking on your site to see what new adventures you’re up to!
    Love and inner peace!

  • Diane

    June 8, 2012 at 12:01 am

    Hi Jeri!
    You are so sweet to write a note- thank you!!! I am so thrilled you have found BLR and are following along with the adventure. Team Blue Lollipop Road was/is so thankful for your support and vote!
    Next big adventure is the BLR Play it Forward Reunion Soccer Weekend in Vermont this August:
    Thanks again for all your support and stay in touch!
    Diane 🙂