it’s results day!

it’s results day!

That’s right! In just a matter of hours, Mom and I hear whether or not we were chosen for Rand McNally and USA TODAY’s Best of the Road Rally 2012!!!

A few special shout outs and thank you’s:

1.) Thank you to Sean, an old high school friend who’s been an awesomely supportive follower of Blue Lollipop Road. Sean sent me the link for the Best of the Road Rally a month ago, to which I jumped all over to sign up for the first second I could. Thanks Sean! Without you Mom and I might not even be in the running!

2.) Thank you Mom. We both know we have given this portion of the rally fun our all, so no matter the results, we are already winners because went for it!  Thank you for jumping right in and being as excited as me to be the other half of Team blue Lollipop Road! Thanks for being that parent that is unconditionally loving and supportive of the dreams we all have.

3.) Thank you Rand McNally and USA TODAY! What you are promoting with best of the Road, is what Mom and I, and Blue Lollipop Road are all about; The incredible amount of delicious, fun, beautiful, history, people and lessons in every nook and cranny of America. We are so happy there are organizations encouraging curiosity, exploration, and travel- to uncover the amazing people, places and things that are on the “back roads” all around us.

What a fun few weeks. We can only imagine how much of a blast the actual rally itself would be!

We are so thankful for all our family, friends, coworkers and neighbors for voting, spreading the news, and “rallying” for us. We have definitely felt the love and it’s been humbling.

Here’s to anticipation and running fast and furious to your passions. Life is short, so Team Blue Lollipop Road says GO FOR IT!


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