thank you, thank you, thank you

thank you, thank you, thank you

You will see a lot of these thank you posts in the coming weeks.

A long overdue THANK YOU to my web guy and friend Bobby for helping me maintain this site. Bobby has more on his plate than most people, but is always willing to help. He has never taken a penny for any design or maintenance work he’s done. My goal is to share some loot with him from the fundraising campaign BLR will be launching very soon.

Also, another big THANK YOU to Constance. She’s helped me corral the monkeys when I start to babble, and is always there to guide and advise to make me sound my best.

As I type this short thank you, my mind fills with many names of people that have been so good to me over the years while I’ve been pushing to follow my dreams. Specific to Bobby and Constance, they are two that believe in the work I am capable of, and the message of Blue Lollipop Road. They’ve always given so much more than they’ve taken. I look forward to the day I can pay back their generosity. One of the most exciting parts of reaching my goals is that I plan to continue to take all those people with me (like Bobby and Constance) who have stuck with me through all the blood sweat and tears. I don’t ever want to forget where I came from, or who was there with me along the way.

Thank you Bobby and Constance. I hope you realize how much I always appreciate all your support!

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