thanks to the lady in the grocery store

thanks to the lady in the grocery store

An email just popped in my inbox from someone saying they love reading the Daily Awesome, and it made me realize how much I have enjoyed writing it these past few months. I feel all giddy and excited when I look forward, or back on my day and actually “put on paper” the little things that make me think to be thankful for.

Todays Daily Awesome feel especially awesome. Lessons from strangers, who don’t even know they’re giving them.

Also? Reader James who left a very nice comment on this post last week. Thanks James! I love getting feedback and am so happy you like visiting here. When you create something that means everything to you (like I have with this) and other people appreciate it, it’s pretty much the coolest feeling in the world- so thanks again! 🙂

What’s awesome in your Monday?

1 Comment
  • Sharon LoCicero

    February 8, 2012 at 11:27 am

    Hi there Diane, been checking in from time to time, glad to hear you have a yes on something in the making! You sure have a way of beefing up the feelings of excitment to your viewers! 🙂 How was California, nice & warm*** with the sight of the sea & sand at bay. The smell of the salty air gently passing by from the off shore breeze. Oh I feel it! I’m there! well a girl can close her eyes & dream a bit! hehehe. You haven’t posted anything (Pic’s/your take) of the story on the MMJ HONDA event from Oct. Did you scratch that?