“what’s been going on anyway?…

“what’s been going on anyway?…

…I notice that your posts have been just sporadic over the past couple moths.”

That’s a question I’ve gotten a lot lately and of course I understand! I went from posting every single day for 3 years to every few days at best this fall. Oh the things I have been working on while I’ve been sporadic here.

I can’t tell you yet, but I will tease you by sharing that a dear old friend who I saw in September put an idea in my head that for some reason hadn’t dawned on me over these past few years. That created a stir with some other thoughts and transitions I’ve been planning for BLR and something utterly fantastic has been born. I will make the official announcement after the new year.

I love those stories of people who end up creating something amazing and when asked later about how they got there, they reply: “For years and years I just plugged away, I worked on this because I was so passionate about it even though it seemed endless and exhausting at times. I could never get myself to stop because while I wasn’t sure what it all was going to turn out to be- I always knew it was going to be something…”

Well my friends, dear readers, supporters and followers- Blue Lollipop Road is going to be that kind of story, and change lives. I believe that more than anything. I’m incredibly thrilled to bring it all back to where this journey began years ago.

I will leave you with that for now and share more soon…


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