wahoo! it’s 80 degrees, it’s friday and i am in chicago

wahoo! it’s 80 degrees, it’s friday and i am in chicago

I know right? Stroke of luck as we all know I am in for one brutal winter. (Until I escape for some time in Argentina that is.)

Carpeting in my apartment is being installed as we speak (yeah!) Things are scrubbed from top to bottom, I have situated parking, had the cable guy hook me up and run all the other necessary I just moved in to a new apartment errands, all while working my other full time job and hitting the pavement to run, the gym to Zumba.

I’m working with my web guy for some updates here, so in the next few days you will see some changes.

We have a BIG birthday coming up:


So a celebration you ask? Yes, and a big announcement on a launch, a trip and something else that’s been brewing…

Happy weekend!

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