a little update love

a little update love

I should be a real estate agent! I officially know every rental company, street, neighborhood and building in the city of Chicago. What a week of emailing, calling, searching, meeting, touring, etc. rentals around the city. I could write a book just based on the interactions and events of this one week. Fingers crossed I think I have secured a fab place to call home base! (I picture a rooftop blizzard wine party in my future. Eeeek. I need some winter gear.)

Among gaining some mad skills on using the refresh button on the Craigslist apartment rental ads page, I have been running a ton, (inspired by Forrest Gump and next weekends Chicago Marathon), working job #2 and of course prepping a fun upcoming announcement that you will all hear in about a week.

What’s everyone else been up to out there?

Here’s to Thursday!


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