meet owen and jericho

meet owen and jericho

Over the past couple weeks, I’ve gotten the chance to catch up with some old friends in NY, and of course their adorable kids. Even though most all my peers started having babies years ago, I still find it hard to believe because I feel like we are all kids as of today. How does time pass so quickly? Remember when you were younger and thought someone who was 30 or 40 was like, so totally old? Now we are the “oldies” building families and realizing that “they” were right, years do fly by faster as you get older. All the more reason to enjoy those sweet mischievous moments. Like when you are sitting 2 feet away, but somehow someone still manages to steal the chip bowl:

Kids like chips

…dump it on his head, then look up as if to say; “Hi Mom! Look what I did!”

Kids like chips

Or, when given permissioned ice cream:

Jericho's ice cream face

…then shoot a devilish look, as if to say; “Mwah-ahh-ahh! I snuck a treat!”

Jericho's ice cream face

Don’t you just want to eat those faces UP?! As I write this I want to jump through the computer screen like a crazy old grandma, squeeze these cuties and pinch cheeks.

Kids really know how to do it up right. They are fearless, don’t care about messes, find joy in the simple things, and they just love. We could all learn a thing or two from these little ones…

***(Thanks Mom’s & Dad’s; Sue & Brian, and Traci & Bryan for letting me share your charming Mini-me’s, and time with you all too of course!)

1 Comment
  • Traci

    August 31, 2011 at 7:37 pm

    Thanks Diane – He certainly makes a mess eating ice cream. Now if he only had as much enthusiasm for his veggies….