text messages from an old friend…

text messages from an old friend…

…that make you laugh so hard your stomach hurts and when you keep laughing about it 4 hours later you decide you just have to share.

In prep to paint the scene:

This friend I have known since I was 4. We grew up in the same small town together in Vermont. You could say he has been a bit overprotective at times, but never in a smothering way, just that really loving I’ll kill someone if they ever hurt you -way. I often think that he thinks any city is the devil and that no one that lives in one would ever be able to do something like build a fire, or put up a tent. (Even though he knows me.) He’s not a big “texter” so as my phone pinged tonight with 3 from him, I was surprised. My eyes rolled and heart filled simultaneously knowing that my long-time, sweet, generous friend was worried about me possibly being in this weekends Hurricane Irene path of destruction:

You are welcome to ride this thing out at our house if you are near. We have an automated generator so we never lose power.  Whatever you do, get the f*ck out of the city and somewhere safer.  Don’t be a raytard or an ediot (inside joke from high school) and stay there if that is where you are now. I should know better right…you are a Vermonter. By the way, where the hell are you anyway?

Ok, I am laughing again reading this. He will laugh too when he reads it.

Dear J~

You never forget me. A girl sure feels extra loved when a grown man with a wife and 2 kids is worried about her too. You are a true and dear friend. You know I am fine and can take care of myself and get out of dodge when necessary. Admittedly, it will ever get old how regularly you worry about me, when you ask me “where the hell” I am, or mention something about a generator. I promise I am safe in Western New York, where there is absolutely no weather, Godzilla has not yet attacked, and I have food and water. You still crack me up after all these years and I hope that never changes. Thank you for always being so good to me you crazy fool! I’m off to go jump out of a plane with no parachute. (Kidding!) Talk to you soon 🙂


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