to infinity and beyond

to infinity and beyond

Meet Dub Infinity:

Dub infinity The Poet

(Yep, that’s his real name.)

I met him selling his wares when I came out of the train near Wall Street yesterday. When I asked him a question he sassed something really funny back and of course with that I was instantly sold. Mr. Infinity is a musician, a poet, a scholar, a salesman and I can only imagine whatever else. What an interesting guy who has been all over the earth. Stories galore and never a dull moment with this gent. As the world moves fast, especially in a place like Wall Street in New York city, I love that there are people like this who help keep relaxed around and perspective clear.

***If you are in the NYC area on Labor Day Weekend and want to check out a free and what I think would be a fascinating “World Muzzikkal” concert festival including this character- head to Eastern Parkway between Underhill and Washington Avenues (and send me pictures!)

Nice to meet you sir. Keep that creative spirit and sass rolling.

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