food porn

food porn

(I’m sorry, there is just no other term strong enough to describe the following!)

The famous chopped salad from Wildfire:

Chopped salad at Wildfire

The famous cinnamon roll from Ann Sather:

Ann Sather cinnamon roll

…oozing with warm icing:

Ann Sather cinnamon roll

Frites and egg at the Publican:

Frites and egg at Republican

…and their snap pea salad:

Snap pea salad at Republican

And this was just a small portion of my Wednesday through Sunday last week!

Chicago sure has been spoiling me on the food front. So much de-lish, so little time…

  • BibbEdwards

    June 21, 2011 at 4:37 pm

    OMG! Must be warming up in Chicago.

  • Diane

    June 23, 2011 at 11:02 am

    Ha! Indeed it is Bibb…and I am loving it!