2 guys all about some green

2 guys all about some green

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, of course I had to find some Guinness related thing. Lucky me I met Kevin; The guy with the ever-so convenient bottle opener on his hat. I introduce you to Kevin with the great hat:

Guiness bottle opener hat

Looks like Kevin won’t have any problem opening his beers tonight.

The other gent I’d like you to meet is Erin. Yes, very Irish E-R-I-N:

Erin Mullally in Ireland

Erin is from the states. I met him when we lived in the same city. He left to go live in Dublin several years ago and absolutely loves it. I always look forward his annual St. Patrick’s Day email and photo. This is the one that came today:

“…from the Ring of Kerry, Co Kerry…next stop, the USA! Thinking of you and yours this sunny St. Patrick’s Day morning in Ireland. Wear your green with pride and enjoy the day!”

Cheers Kevin and Erin! Thanks for being the Blue Lollipop Road, St. Patrick’s Day mascots.

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