run for the border

run for the border

I woke up in Florida with the balcony door to my hotel room wide open this morning and rolled over to see a text from my sister. She wasn’t able to get to the gym for her boot camp class because the snow drifts where she currently lives had buried her car. After I responded: “Boo! Better you than me!”- she emailed these photos:

Church Street Burlington blizzard

Church Street Burlington blizzard


This is Church Street in Burlington, Vermont. (Usually hustling and bustling any day of the year.) If you’ve ever been to Vermont, you know that even during the frigid winter months, people are out, about, driving, shopping- you name it, snow doesn’t stop them. Well, today was obviously a different story. Even the interstate was closed! (My sister sent me a photo of snow drifts halfway up the sliding glass door at her house too but I can’t find that one now…)

I think I’d rather be hung by my toenails upside down for a week than to live in these kind of conditions. This means I am one whimpy Vermonter and have been gone long enough to think that 70 degrees is cold. Hats off to you Green Mountain Staters that can hack it in this stuff. I be you’ll be happy when (if) spring comes.

If you live there, send me you address and I’ll send you some hot cocoa!

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