vermont to oregon on a bike sounds fun to me!
So many people are out there doing good for their communities and working on interesting projects. I can’t keep up. I could write 24/7 posting links and information. This is a good problem to have. Reading about what guys like Robert and Aaron have done at Bikeloc help continually inspire me to do what I love and believe in.
It’s pretty swell that my days include reading and research, so I can bring stories and resources here. It’s like a BlR learning and connecting with cool people fest. You know I like that.
Robert and Aaron~
Looks like an amazing journey you had. I know this doesn’t classify as a fresh, local potluck, but I hope you noshed on an extra sugary and well deserved Voo Doo doughnut when you finally reached Portland. They are a once in a lifetime treat not to be passed up, especially if you have worked (out) so hard.
Keep up the good work!
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