hello, i’m diane and i’m a stamp addict

hello, i’m diane and i’m a stamp addict

I was so intensely focused on making sure I had everything just perfect before I sealed the priority mail envelope today, I forgot to take a photo. I wanted to fully document my passport renewal process, but now all I have to show for it is this:

Passport Renewal Delivery Confirmation

…my Delivery Confirmation Receipt. Better than nothing. I was thrilled to find out even though I had to send my current passport away, it comes back with the new one. When the woman at the post office told me I had to send my delightfully stamped, stickered and bent companion away to get a new one, I probably looked like a kid who just found out there’s no such thing as Santa Claus: horrified and heartbroken. She assured me that I’d have my precious blue book of traveled miles back in just 4 to 6 weeks. Whew!

When the nice girl at Kinkos handed the photos she took of me to send along, I thought- what?! THAT is the pasty white, winter skinned and chubby cheeked girl who will be staring back at me for the next 10 years on this mucho important document? Great. Then I remembered that I’d only ever be looking at that photo while at some kind of border patrol or customs station, which would mean that I’d be on my way to adventure somewhere. Suddenly I could care less whether I looked like a purple panda, a booger face, or a pasty white chunk head. I just happily skipped out the door knowing once again, that the world is my oyster…

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