don’t stop get it, get it

don’t stop get it, get it

(I love that song.)

I’ve got surprises coming throughout January and a new BLR look coming on Monday!

CHEERS!!! (I am raising a glass and clinking here.)

***My new favorite cocktail for a celebration like New Years Eve:
*2 ounces vodka
*4-5 ounces of fresh lemon and simple syrup or store bought lemonade
*Shake over ice
*Pour in martini style or fun glass of your choice
*Drizzle 1 ounce of red wine (pinot noir best) over the back side of a spoon onto side of glass (this will make a pretty red ring around the top of glass.)
*Top off with drop of bubbly. (I’m a big prosecco fan.)
*Sip and enjoy!

Not the greatest photo, but the Crackberry only does so much:

Cocktails for NYE at Stefani's


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