good girls get magnum bottles of wine

good girls get magnum bottles of wine

In time for Christmas (I mean Santa is watching right?) I’ve been a good girl and gotten back into my regular running routine again:

So the irony of me mentioning my Napa wine diet this fall and getting back into good habits? After my run, FedEx Santa delivers this to me:

Alexis Cab. Magnum gift from Swanson!

I guess I was such a good girl, Santa Swanson couldn’t resist sending me a big ol’ treat. YUM!

To my Swanson Sisters~

I love you! What a great surprise. Thank you, thank you. Miss you all tons and I will save this for a very special occasion. I have an idea what that occasion that will be, but you’ll have to wait to find out…

Bubbles to all and to all a good night!

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