good, genius, easy, change
I’ve been writing, thinking, brainstorming about this project I’m working on and I wanted to share a few things. Friends and family (even my Mom has teased me) about believing some of the below. Yeah, yeah- I know some people are effed up, miserable, mean to each other, there is hate in the world whatever. I still believe:
*We are innately good
*We really are willing to go out of our way to help each other
*We are all creative genius in one form or another
*Things are WAY WAY WAY (can I say WAY again?) easier than we make them out to be
*We often suppress who we are and what we want because of fear of phantom things and people that don’t even exist
My most favorite “I believe” to date is from the blog of this phenomenal woman Danielle I met in California back in September:
*”…everyday is a chance to change your mind and change your life.”
Guess what guys?! We live in America. We have a chance to choose it all. Lets chew on that one for a while.
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