second round of skirt!

second round of skirt!

I confess, I occasionally Google myself.

I’m glad I did just now when I can’t sleep at 3am. Look what I found! The Skirt! magazine article from the August Issue. Yay! I have to say a huge thanks to Editor Constance Costas for seeing a story in me more than once.

The U.S Border Patrol knows about Skirt! too. They Googled me when I was coming back into the country from Vancouver this summer. I guess when I rolled up to the booth with a car packed full and no plan as to where I was exploring next, then told the agent I had just driven to Alaska alone he thought I was a criminal or fruitcake. He then sent me inside with an orange slip. I waited in line, went through a bunch of questioning and stood there nervously as the agent typed away on his keyboard. I knew I was good to go when he looked up from his computer monitor and said: “Crushing Oreos in a jar of Nutella?”

All that typing he was doing, he was Googling me. Sure enough a Skirt! story about me that included information about my chocolate habit popped up from 2007. All the guy could do after reading that story was free me laughing and shaking his head. He handed me back my passport telling me: “Be careful Ms. Peacock, Ok? Really, be careful. Safe travels.”

Thanks for saving me at the border and being a cheerleader for my exploration and adventure Skirt!

  • Gabi

    November 24, 2010 at 1:09 pm

    hahahaha, that story was a riot.
    ah, the good side of being on the internet…
    now hold on while I go google myself… 😛

  • Diane

    November 24, 2010 at 4:41 pm

    There are even more details I left out! It was hilarious. Will have to share more later (I was falling asleep when I was writing:)

    So what did you find Googling yourself?