sunday strangers

sunday strangers

I have been relishing in my last few Napa weeks, going for runs, walks, wanders in the morning in what’s been an insanely warm and just absolutely gorgeous balmy few days in November. I’ve also been working a ton to get some loot in the bank account. Buying 3,000 miles worth of gas for my upcoming cross-country trek is not cheap. I went to bed on Friday night at 8:40pm (I know- I’m living on the EDGE!) I’ve been just loving floating about, relaxing, waking up to grapevines and being thankful for my learning experience and time in wine country. This will certainly go in the books as yep, I’ve even worked a harvest season in Napa- how cool!

While I was working today, I met a spunky older woman who’s a college professor. She made me look quiet, boring and shy. This woman has the energy to light a fire to something when she walks by it. I was playing hostess and we got to chatting with another girl I work with. It didn’t take long for the worlds of “Do it, do it while you can, if I could ever go back and have gone, moved, done more traveling, etc. before there were mortgages, kids and all- I would have.” I have heard these words a million times over. Always from extremely accomplished, much older and well respected people. These words from this spunky stranger today made me and my coworker, who I have a lot in common with, very happy. (Not that I need permission to go and do you know that I’ll do what I want regardless of what anyone says.) It’s nice to hear words like those from someone who’s lived long enough to know better after going some places and doing plenty of things.

I’m excited. Like really excited. I know you all read about a lot of things that “excite” me, but the excitement I feel now is an true excitement for life, work and possibility that I have not felt for about 4 years. I didn’t realize until my time here how much of a tough, but needed growing phase I’ve been in these past few years. I feel like me again, but even better. Just ready to take the world by storm, knowing what I want and being able to actually vocalize it.

On a bonus note, I had a comment from a new blog follower today, a return email from a business owner who’s website I found and complimented her company (I told her I’d love to work with her!) and an after work cocktail at this gorgeous green hotel and spa with a new friend who I’m quite convinced in the short time we’ve known each other- will be one of those lifer pals.

Now that’s what I call a Sunday Funday!

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