secrets revealed!

secrets revealed!

Guess who gets to go to Tahoe this weekend for the first time ever?

For FREE no less.

Guess who got to eat filet, 3 chocolate lava cakes and about 9 glasses of good wine at a castle last week?

For FREE no less.

Yep- ME!

Guess what else? I’m not even that smart, cool, and this stuff doesn’t require me to get naked.

It baffles me when people ask things like “Wow, how in the WORLD did you ever get to X,Y,Z??!!”

You want to know the big fat secret? Ok. Drumroll please…

I ask, or volunteer. Period.

This means when someone I am around talks about something that sounds interesting, fun, or cool- I say “Ooh! I’d love to do that!” or “Wow, let me know if you ever need any help there.”

If I calculated the cost of wine, apps, a meal, more wine, dessert and entertainment at a castle for a night, that’d be a decent amount of bucks.

If I calculated transportation to Tahoe, a wine festival admission, and a night in a hotel. that’d be a decent amount of bucks.

What do I contribute to get this? A few hours of my time. As in like 2 or 3 hours, not even 8.

What do I get? All of the above and meeting, networking (we all know that any little interaction with the kind of figurative company you want to be in matters) and fun.

Simple formula. Totally not rocket science. If you want to go to/hang with/see something but you’re not sure how you can “get in” or afford to, try this system. It works every time.

I hope I haven’t disappointed you revealing that I’m not really secret-spy tricky. I’d love to hear about cool things you get to do like this and how you got “in” so send me some stories!

Happy weekend all. I’m off to pack for Tahoe. Yesssssssss…

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