wanted: reader feedback

wanted: reader feedback

While I’ve been enjoying the occasional meal, happy hour, and castle-crashing here in Napa since my arrival almost 3 weeks ago, I have been hiding out on top of my new house on the peak feverishly reading, and researching on a work and blog plan with the thrill and promise of a 16 year old prepping for the hottest prom date of her life.

If you have ever met me for more than lets say- 15 seconds, you know I’m not the girl to ever sit home ALL day, for days on end in complete silence with no human interaction. For this time though, I am that girl. When I fully come back into the light it’s going to be with a excellent and healthy vengeance. I WILL be crushing it, and in the happiest and most balanced of ways.

I need your help for some of my research. If you’re willing; Could please share the following with me, leaving a comment here or emailing me at: diane(at sign)bluelollipoproad.com

*What are the 3 things you wish you had more of in your life?

*What are 3 things you’d do/do more if time, money and fear were NOT factors to consider?

This is a huge help, so I thank you much. When I strike it rich and happier than ever (which I will) every round of chocolate dessert will be on me.

Do you think I’m kidding?

  • Erin

    September 29, 2010 at 10:05 pm


    1) Occasions to wear heels 😉
    2) Stamps on my passport
    3) Time to reflect, read books, and write

    1) Get a BA in English, and then do absolutely NOTHING with it but enjoy the fact that I have it.
    2) Travel – duh
    3) Host dinner parties

  • dh47

    September 30, 2010 at 12:19 am

    *What are the 3 things you wish you had more of in your life?
    1.)Time spent with family and friends.
    2.)Moments of mental lucidity (A clear head).
    3.)Great stories about fun trips to amazing places.

    *What are 3 things you’d do/do more if time, money and fear were NOT factors to consider?
    1.)Quit my job and find something to do that was more rewarding.
    2.)Enjoy nature and the great outdoors. EVERY DAY
    3.)Rebuild/refurbish my 1947 Willy’s jeep, once my grandfathers.

  • Diane

    October 8, 2010 at 11:02 pm

    Thanks for this stuff all! It is super helpful. I will have full poll results posted soon!

    Thanks again!
    Diane 🙂