bartending and babysitting

bartending and babysitting

I babysat today. Yep, 32 and smart and sassy and I am babysitting- I love it! how else can you hang with a cute kid for a few hours, make some good cash and get some of your own work done while they are napping? I bartended an incredible event a week ago. Again, talk to people, network- and you pay me? I’ll take it. No matter where you go/live- someone will always need a drink and have a kid that needs looking after. This means cash

Todays babysitting job was super bonus as I saw a book sitting on a kitchen counter of the house I was at and asked if I could borrow it.

1.) I just saved myself $19.99
2.) I am almost done with the book in one day

The book is called CRUSH IT!; Why now is the time to cash in on your passion

In one way, I am sort of peeved because I feel like I could’ve written so much that’s in this book. On the other, I always give a hats off to someone else who’s making loot on writing stuff that so freaking completely obvious. Good on ya Gary Vaynerchuk! My book is next.

I have laughed and nodded my head through most of these pages. I just read a few lines on how you’d be an idiot to think you’re invincible in your job and you are sorely mistaking if you think you have no need to create a personal brand:

What if you’re a trader at an investment firm and suddenly you’re out of work and all you have to show is a bull-crap resume? Hold it, you might want to reassure me, my resume is awesome. Tell me this: Is it a pdf of a tidy list of where you’ve worked and for how long, with a couple of strategic bullet points highlighting what you did in each job? Yeah? You’re toast.

Amen to that Author Gary. Boy do I love people who shoot it straight.

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